Utah's #1 Men's Clinic

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Size Matters
All men want to be bigger. There is a natural core need to be able to satisfy our partner sexually, to have them desire us in that way and feel that there's no one else superior to us. Imago Medical offers the Magnum Male Enhancement Procedure, a patented non-surgical way to create natural growth to give you superior confidence and intimacy in your relationships.

Increase Penis Size & Volume By 70%
Increase Flaccid Size & Length
Increase Shaft Girth Up To 1.5"
Increase Stretch & Stimulation During Sex
No Surgery. Safe & Effective
Permanent Natural Results
0% Interest Financing Available
Why This Procedure Works
Most male enhancement claims do not work. Under the skin, the anatomy of the penile shaft is basically a tube of tendon like material filled with blood vessels. This allows for erection. But it cannot be changed with male enhancement pills, PRP shots or pumps. And penis enlargement surgery such as implants and fat grafting are unnatural and carry high complications.
Our Magnum procedure works by expanding the outer layer of skin with a filler called PMMA, which has been use in FDA approved facial injections for decades with an excellent safety record and natural results. We distributes microscopic droplets throughout the skin of the desired shaft, head or scrotal areas. In response, your body grows more natural connective tissue, called collagen, to surround the droplets.
Thus, the filler stimulates your body to naturally grow more collagen, expanding the outer layer of the skin and increasing girth by an average of 3/4" per procedure. Because the walled off droplets are microscopic, they are too small to feel, and the results are natural looking and feeling skin. And because what we do is only skin deep, this procedure is very safe and does not affect function or carry surgical risks. ​

Topical Numbing Cream Anesthetizes The Skin
A Few Painless Lidocaine Injections Numb The Shaft
Filler Is Placed In Desired Areas
You Are Done In 2 Hours & Can Return To Work
No Pain During Or Afterwards
Simple In Office Process With No Down Time
Don't Wait To Size Up Your Life!

Dr. Berrett is a Double Boarded Physician with 18 years of medical practice, and specializes in male enhancement and sexual health. He is the only provider in the western U.S. to perform this collagen layering procedure.
He is committed to giving each patient or couple the highest standard of discretion and optimal results individualized to their desired needs. You are in constant communication with us during the recovery and growth phase.
"Dr. Berrett and his team literally changed my marriage. Our intimacy was on average for couples. But after doing this procedure, it has been absolutely amazing. My wife desires me like never before, our romance is back and exciting. I walk around naked in front of her and I feel confident and great. Whereas before I was always bothered by being seen just flaccid and smaller. Total game changer. I wish I had done this years earlier."
- Ceasar R.
Partner Testimonial

Patient Testimonial

Single Shaft/Glans (Head)
Limited Time Offer
Get First Procedure
For $5,900 Now!
Scrotal Treatment Only
Full Package
Shaft, Glans, Scrotal
"I used to feel self conscious in the locker room at my gym. Since getting this done, I now feel like the alpha. It's an amazing feeling, and I am more confident in many aspects of my life now." - Steven H.
"I was expecting a painful process, but it was almost painless. They followed me every step of the way, and I knew exactly what to expect. Loving the results." - Jerry N.
Financing Options With Zero Interest
Live Bigger With 70% Larger Size Now!
Schedule A Free Consultation!

Commonly Asked Questions​
What men typically do this procedure? All men want increase penis size. 99% of patients are average size that want improved confidence and intimacy.
70% are in a relationship. This is particularly beneficial to men whose partners have had children, as the anatomical stretching that results can make intercourse less stimulating for the woman. Making the man larger greatly improves things. Some men are starting dating after divorce and want to create a "new" improved self.
Will this help with erectile dysfunction (ED)? If the ED is due to confidence issues, absolutely. But we also offer acoustic shockwave therapy, also known as Gainswave, to improve erection. In addition we have hormone and other therapies.
Can I do this procedure if I've already had a surgical or filler enhancement done before?
Yes! Our procedure can often fix previous procedures such as fat grafting, where we can grow new collagen over the lumpy fat areas and fill out the rest of the shaft for a smooth symmetric permanent result.